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About certifications…

The amount of time / energy and even money you have to put into something in order to get certified varies tremendously.

At times, you just finish a 6h online course with a multiple choice exam at the end (most Udemy courses for instance), while others need you to invest a significant portion of spare-time and weekends for half a year in order to build a software-project that will be carefully graded by a jury (Sun Enterprise Architect as an example).

Sometimes you have to spend a four-digit amount on a fairly useless presence course in a fancy Hotel, that gets you nothing but a certificate (Scrum master), while some other free online courses are very worth their time (most Coursera Courses, for instance).

To be clear: earning a certificate does not make someone an expert, sometimes not even a beginner on a topic, experience does.

From my perspective, the one thing that can safely be learned from the certificates a person earned is, what topics he/she is interested in, enough to invest a significant amount of time and learn in a structured way.

AWS (6)

AxonIQ (8)

Cognitive (11)

Coursera (14)

Datastax (4)

FutureLearn (1)

LinkedIn (29)

LinuxFoundation (2)

MongoDB (9)

Oracle (7)

Redis (4)

Sun (10)

Udemy (10)

VMWare (1)

Other (14)

Uwe Schäfer
Coding Architect / Lead Engineer